I was driving to get something to eat, saw my cell phone and started thinking about all the things that small device can do. That small device can:
- Be used as a voice recorder
- Be used as a camera
- Be used as a video recorder
- Be used as a tracking device
- It has your fingerprints saved in its memory
- Some of you are already using one that has face recognition
- A lot of people use their cell phones to pay for things
It is amazing how much that device can do, what is even more amazing is who has almost unrestricted access to the information in that device and to its features--the government. The government can actually tap into that device and use its features for its own purpose. Mind you though, that if you needed to use that device in a government agency where you are trying to ensure that you are treated properly like say, the Post Office, you are not allowed to do that. The government can use those features on you though, whenever the government wants.
Now, knowing all of this I was thinking about how much information the government has on each one of us and how through the years they have created policies and protocols that will make us keep giving them more and more information. What is the excuse they use? That they are trying to keep us safe. With that excuse they have actually taken us to a point where now a days we are all tracked and recorded. Think about this for a moment:
- In the past few years we have been told that we need to be kept safe, so there have been more regulations and laws passed to make that happen. Those laws and regulations have made it so that we are unable to conduct any personal business without having that tracking and recording device with us at all times. I mean, have you seen that now you need to have your phone with you in order to log into every single account that you have? Even the accounts that wouldn't post any risk to you if people logged into them, you need to have that phone with you. If you lose that phone or change your number, you are pretty screwed! It is a nightmare trying to log into anything if you don't have that device, in many cases you cannot log into an account at all. They have inadvertently made it harder for you to even change your phone number, which is a great way to control you because if that is the easiest way to communicate with you... they really don't want you to be changing it all that much.
In the name of your own safety you are slowly becoming obligated to carry around a small device that can tell the government everything about you. A small device that the government can hack into to record other people's conversations, check where people are, even use the camera on your phone as a surveillance, yet... you are unable to use that device to show the mistreatment of a postal worker because the government does not want you to actually record their behavior, they are only interested in yours. We have all now become more enslaved than free.
With all this, tell me now, who do you really need protection from? If you think that the government passing more laws will be something that will protect you, please think again... The government is only there to protect itself, no one else. Yes, it is true that government is supposed to work for its constituents but that stopped long ago, government now works for itself. Think about this when you are wondering about our 2nd Amendment rights, gun laws are already very strict and making them stricter has nothing to do with keeping you safe and all to do with protecting the government. Taking a gun away and asking for more information than you already are asked when you are purchasing a weapon does not really protect you or your children, it protects the government. The government cannot do anything to prevent an unlawful citizen from committing a crime, they have never been able to do so and they never will.
We have to let go of the idea that the government is there to protect us because this has only led us to give up more and more of our freedoms. It is this false idea (that government can protect you) that has led to rise of communist governments that are now killing those same civilians they swore they would protect. Just remember that any time you are asking for protection, you are giving up the right you have as a human to protect yourself and giving a lot of power to another person or entity that will in turn only use that power against you.
Most excellent. The purpose of the 2nd amendment was not to protect hunting. It was to prevent the central government from being able to occupy a state with its military might. The people are supposed to stop the government from using force against them. They recognized that the imposition of government was an evil that needed to be kept in check.
ReplyDeletePeople seem to forget this... They all need a reminder...