Friday, April 25, 2014

You think too much

People always tell me that I think too much, personally I feel people don't think enough! And all I have to do to prove that is look at my newsfeed on my Facebook and tweeter, all the different things people post, say and do.
Unfortunately lack of thinking is what gets all of us into trouble, I don't care who you are if you don't think about what you are saying, doing or about to do then you are bound to make a big mistake. 
Think about it! How many times have you gotten into an argument with someone because they just did not put in the effort to think about what you wrote or posted and ended up misunderstanding what you were trying to convey? How many times have you done something and someone did not put the effort into thinking about maybe asking you directly why you did such thing or maybe just put in the effort into thinking that if you are not harming anyone then it's none of their business what you do and should focus on thinking on ways to make themselves better!
This is usually what happens to me, and I'm sure someone will misunderstand all of this and say well I think all the time about all my problems and all the problems people have caused me so I think enough... Mmm no you are not! You are worrying and not thinking enough because of you were thinking enough you will come to an understanding that any problems that have already been caused can't be undone and therefore all you have left to do is move on and try to find a solution. If you think about what other people have caused you then you are still not thinking enough! You can't change people but you can change you, you can move on and get rid of those that have caused you pain and don't have the ability to change or that just really don't want to, if you were thinking enough you would come to realize that all you can really do is learn from the experience take what you have learned and move on....
How many times I've had people misinterpret what I've said or shared and later called me a hypocrite or tell me that I shouldn't share the things I don't really believe in... All because they just don't think enough! 
So seriously in my view people should put more effort into thinking about what they are doing and saying, I see all these kids and people doing all these stupid stupid stuff and wonder what the hell were they thinking, when the reality is that they really were not... 

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