Saturday, June 7, 2014

Life is not hard

I woke up today with one thought in my mind: "Life is not hard" but why is it that the majority of the people in this world will tell you that life is hard? I mean what makes life hard? How hard is it to just live?
The more I thought about it the more I realized that life is only hard because we make it hard, we make it hard for us to live life, it is our nature as humans to do just that. It is probably the most ridiculous thing we will ever do, making life hard to live.
The first way we do this is by thinking everyone is the same, we are all the same and therefore we should all accomplish the same things even though we are fully aware that each of us is a completely different world, we know we are different but we want to be the same. Why? Because of our intense need of belonging, we need to belong somewhere, we can't possibly be happy on our own we have to try and fit in and in trying to fit in we make our life hard because it takes a lot more effort to be someone you are not than to just be yourself.
That leads me to the next thought... Society has this ridiculous set of rules, we grow up thinking the way to live a fulfilling life is if we do certain things certain way even if that way is not the way we want to do it, we think that we have to go study hard, get a degree, get married, have a family, get a house, get a car the latest in technology and well whatever else society thinks is the norm. But we don't want to do any of that and when we decide we don't want to do any of that then we either have family and friends telling us how wrong we are and how we are never going to reach happiness by that thought process and thus it shifts us into the ok this is how other people got happy and so I guess it will have to work for me, but it doesn't work because that is not what you wanted in the first place.
And that takes me to here: when you do things you don't want to do, life itself has a way of shaking you up and to try and bring you back to what you really wanted out of life. Have you ever noticed how when you do something you really don't want to do everything seems harder to get or once you get there it falls apart extremely quickly? Yeah, that's life telling you that you are not like everyone else, each one of us is unique and the idea that we have that we all must follow the same paths is ridiculous because if we all did that then nothing in this world would work, but do we ever listen to that? We know this, we are fully aware of it but we go against it, we go against the tide of life and swimming against the tide is freaking hard!
I know many people don't believe this but there are signs everywhere, all around you, always there is a sign trying to get you to the place where you belong, we choose to either follow the irrational signs we know full well that will take us to our ultimate goal which is happiness, or we choose to not follow the signs and be like the majority of people on this earth. I can attest that every time I followed the irrational signs my life has gotten better and better, it was when I follow what everyone else told me I should do that my life got harder...
Let me explain further...
Years ago I worked really hard to go to this acting and modeling competition in California, it was an amazing opportunity for me to be seen by many people in that industry which could help me launch my career, that is all I ever wanted to do. At the end of the competition I got two callbacks, 2 more than what anyone that knew me was expecting, I called home and told my father how it had gone, his words were: well congrats, I am proud of you but now you can come back to reality and work towards something that will actually feed you, you have proven to yourself you could do it now go back to school. I was 18 years old and because that was my daddy, the wisest of all men (or so I thought) I decided to go back and not think anything of it, let me just forget my dream, it will be too much hard work to actually do what I want and in the end I will gain nothing, seemed reasonable... So I did it, I went back to school with the thought that I had to pick out a major in something that will actually give me a good job, it did not matter whether I liked what I was doing, it mattered only that I was going to be able to feed myself and eventually raise a family.
Thing is that I had no idea what major to pick, there was only one thing I wanted to do with my life and that was acting and modeling, I never had a backup of what I wanted, so then I said well what if I go into the computer business, I will learn how to program a computer, create websites, manage networks blah blah blah... Dad said: No, you don't have the passion required for that field, you have never shown any interest in Computer Technology, so you won't be good at it... Ok I said, I have not really shown any passion for anything else other than acting or modeling so what does it matter what I pick, I will learn, I have always proven to myself I could learn anything.
So I ended up being a Business Major, cause why not, you could learn to manage a business, and even if you don't love it, it will pay the bills and "feed you", give you enough money to raise a family and blah blah... Since it was just what every other person that did not know what to pick as a major went into, dad did not object, he just said: well if that is what you are passionate about then go for it (which completely contradicted what he had said about me going into show business, but that is how a lot of people are, if to them their dream did not come true because of one thing or another then everyone else has to follow into their footsteps and go with a second dream not with their ultimate one that would just bring an extreme amount of happiness beyond believe, even if you are making absolutely the bare minimum to get by)
What was the outcome of all that, I never finished college, the reality was that I was miserable paying for an education on a major I did not want to have, I got my boyfriend at the time and we decided we wanted to go live somewhere else, we could get jobs paying us enough to pay for our bills and live comfortably so why not... The thing is that every job was just that, a job and every job was not what either of us really wanted and that just made each of us extremely miserable, especially me, I always had in the back of my mind that I could do something different, why was life so hard? Life was hard because I made it hard, I kept listening to what everyone else was telling me that life is, how hard you have to work for this, how hard you have to work for that... Ten years later I realized that working hard for something you really want is not really work, is having fun, you have fun when you are studying the things you want to study, you have fun when you are working in the industry you always wanted to be in, it does not matter who else is there and trying to make your life miserable, they can't because you are happy doing what you love to do and suddenly you realize that it's their problem if they want to be miserable not yours!
Another example on that, I went to work as a promotional model for a show, I was having fun, there was this girl next to me who kept complaining about everything that was going wrong, she had this set of rules for everyone and she was just another model, not in charge of the event at all, all she was trying to do was make life hard, but it never bothered me, why? Because at the end of the night even though I was extremely tired I was doing what I love to do and because of that I did not care about her misery and her misery could not make me miserable because I could really care less about her attitude, I was happy.
So, please stop thinking life is hard, life is not hard we make it hard! And stop making your life hard for yourself, you don't have to do what everyone else did, you don't have to follow your parent's advice on how life works, they had their lives to live and they lived them the best way they could, their job was to guide you, provide for you and protect you until the day you could open your wings and fly on your own, your decisions should not be made because of what they said you should do with your life, your decisions should be made because of what you want to do in life, what are you passionate about that you want to do, go for it, it is tiring but not hard, it's only hard because we have tons of people telling us that we are doing it all wrong and that tends to make us doubt ourselves when we shouldn't, when you are following your heart, your soul, you never lose, you always win and if you are having a hard time believing in that, then take a break from the world, stop talking to those that believe they have the answer to your happiness, they make life hard, the only one that has the answers is you!

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