Sunday, October 27, 2013

Time passed and there she was now she was a nanny, taking care of 3 beautiful kids as well as her own, the woman was also a single mom that had a similar situation happened to her, with a drug addict ex-husband that just kept going deeper and deeper into the hole, however he was sort of still around, so that was a difference...
The woman she worked for, EC, was having an affair with a married man, EC thought she was absolutely in love with him, and that he would leave his wife for her, because he would tell her that all was doomed, there was no fixing the marriage and he could not leave her just yet because he wanted to make sure his child was going to be fine and wanted to leave them with a good amount of money...
This had gone on for a couple of years, but she met EC right in the middle of this relationship and one day when EC told her that she wanted to have a Valentine's Day dinner with her boyfriend and that the kids needed to be out of the house during the time they usually took a nap and because her boyfriend could not come any other time, and of course he couldn't, he was married and his wife, even though they had problems as he stated and it was all over (pure lies) was waiting for him at home so that they could have their Valentine's Day dinner.
In a way she felt sad for EC, a woman that is so pretty and had so much potential and could really find someone to actually make a life with was wasting her time with someone that deep down she knew that would never leave his family, and every time they talked about it she would tell her that she thought that would never happen....
And of course it wouldn't, and if it did happen how would she ever feel about it later on, would she ever think that this guy would cheat on her too? I mean that is how any woman would feel at some point, you would have to live with that for the length of the relationship....
Anyhow, she realized after a few months that EC really was not emotionally ready for a real relationship, she had not gotten over the hurt and pain that she was caused by someone that had broken her trust in the worst way possible, and when that happens well... It's hard to trust again so it is easier to have meaningless relationships with people that you know will never become anything serious because they are already "serious" with someone else.
That made perfect sense, it was not something she would ever do, because a married man should respect that small piece of paper that states that he will be loyal to the other person that is signing it, if at some point they drift apart, or grow apart then they should separate and move on before jumping into a new relationship, or what's worse, cheat with someone... What if that someone they cheated on was their true love, how can you possibly ever get the necessary respect from that person after they at one point realize how you were capable of cheating with them and breaking a promise, is that really a good way to start?
Anyhow, we are getting off the subject now, and I just realized that I never told you this girl's name, which up until now it was ok because we had not mentioned any other women in the story so whenever we said she, everyone knew we were referring to her, but now to not confuse you, well her name is PJ.
Now PJ knew that she was not a saint, she was anything but a saint, and it was not like she had never been with a guy that had a relationship with someone else, in her case though the guy was not married, he just had a girlfriend and when he saw PJ again, because they knew each other from high school, well... he had just started to date this other girl, however that does not excuse the behavior but in reality she did not want anything serious and she really did not have time for a relationship and knowing that with this guy the most she would ever be also because they lived in different cities was friends well... she formed a weird relationship that turned out to be a good friendship.
With that said, after that Valentine's Day that EC told her to go ahead a take the kids and PJ felt that it was not something she should be doing, especially because the kids had already gotten into a routine and they needed that routine and it shouldn't be changed for something or in this case someone that was obviously lying to both women he was with, and he seriously was not worth it anymore, 2 years had gone by and for EC nothing had changed so what is a woman to do? Keep wishing that the person she "loves" will leave his family for her? Anyhow, that Valentine's Day marked the ending of the relationship that she had with EC, after that she had no job and had no where to live because she was a live-in nanny for EC.
And this is where her world started to crumble a bit again...

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