Monday, February 24, 2014

When fear takes over...

What do you do when the world seems to be falling apart right in front of you? What do you do when you are full of fear that something bad is going to happen and that fear just takes over? What do you do when everything seems to no longer be going your way? What do you do when you are put in a situation where you have to behave in a specific way, not the way you want to, where you are forced to keep quiet when all you really want to do is yell out loud your own truth?
I find myself usually drawing away from people and submerging myself in work, distracting myself from absolutely everything, I think I feel like if I am not paying attention to all that is going on around me then it will all eventually go away and at some point I will wake up and it will all be better...
But eventually I run out of things to do and the reality settles in, so then what? I know some people say that it's always good to talk about things with others but I've always been one that works towards resolving the issue rather than just one that talks about it, because what is talking ever going to accomplish? For me talking has only just accomplished getting more frustrated, people jump in and instead of listening they provide their feedback and that gets even more frustrating...
Or there is the usual person (and this happens to me a lot) that says don't worry you will be fine, you always are, they have gotten used to you just doing everything and figuring everything out on your own that they dismiss that at that moment in time you are really not doing well and saying that you will be fine like always does not really help, all it really does is frustrate you even more...
But then what? Do you just stopped talking to everyone you know and if ever someone reaches out to you, then you keep it simple? do you keep it to just what I hate the most the pointless and annoying chitchat one does when you are just trying to be polite or do you just ignore the person? I find it easier to shut off my phone, not go in any social media sites or go in the ones where no one really comments on posts or where if you ever do you end up sometimes having a conversation with a perfect stranger and somehow you end up forgetting about whatever it was that was bothering you just for a little bit.
But then it all comes back and it seems to be even worse when you are tired, it's like you can't really think straight anymore, then you get your head filled with doubts and other worries that were not there before... And really most of which you have absolutely no control over so why worry about it?
But we do, we worry and we end up full of fear about whatever it is that can't really be helped at that moment in time, things that have not yet happened but in your head you are going through all these different scenarios of what could happen and you know very well that none of it makes any sense, you know that even if it was to happen that way then there is absolutely nothing you can really do to prevent it or stop it, it's just all out of your control so why worry?
I think sleep ends up working best at that point, because you end up so tired just from thinking that the at some point the mental and even physical exhaustion from all those nights you were up thinking finally take over and you finally fall flat and end up sleeping, and then after a good night's rest all is well again, you can focus again and have the mental power to keep your emotions under control, then you can go back to smiling like nothing is happening, like there is no emotional war going on in your head...
But it comes to a point where you can't have too many people around anymore, where most people bother you just by their presence, where you are trying so hard to focus on not letting any fears take over and trying to not feel the same way for too long because you know if you do then other things start failing, and so then you can't even get yourself together enough to read or listen to other people, where you see everyone else's problems so small compared to yours, and even though you know that to them is something big all you really want to do is say hello? that's nothing compared to the war I am battling and you should be thankful that that's all you have to deal with, but you have to bite your tongue once again and at some point if you talk too much, if you "socialize" or communicate enough while pretending that all is well the cycle begins again and once more you are back to where you did not want to be....
Which is why I have found it much easier to stay away, maybe it's not the healthiest for most but it seems to be the healthiest for me and I guess that's all that really matters, to be able to somehow find a little bit of peace in the crazy world you have found yourself in or at least find a way to keep the faith that at some point it will be over and that at some point it will really be ok.

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