Monday, February 24, 2014

When the world seems like it's against you,
when everyone seems to have desert you,
when the little light you saw at the end of the tunnel
and you thought "ohh I am so close" but suddenly it was all dark again
that's the time when we start thinking about those tender moments
the ones we never really asked for but that happened
that hug that was given without being asked by someone special to you
that kiss that was stolen by that same person
the special words that touched you unexpectedly,
thinking of those times when you were with someone and said nothing
but there was nothing needed to say because more was always said by actions
you start thinking about the safe places,
the times when you were little and all you needed was your mom to stroke your hair
then suddenly all the bad things that happened that day would go away
Sometimes we need a moment like those to make us feel just a little better
the world will always be a struggle, no matter what we do, there will always be something
something to fight for, something to struggle towards
it is in those moments when we wish we could go back to those tender moments, just for a little bit, just enough to remember that they do exist
that maybe one day we can have another tender moment
that one day we won't be so busy working towards a goal
working towards making our lives better but that we will actually realize
that it's better to live life, that you cannot purchase someone's true smile
that happiness is not about how much we have but how much we've lived
that the reason we feel like we are struggling is because we want more
and we forget that we are so lucky to have more than what we actually need,
hopefully one day we will realize and hopefully it won't be too late...

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