Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our souls

I was chatting with a friend today and was asked what was a happy thing that happened to me recently, my answer was that this week I saw him shine... I had seen him at work sometime this week and there was this light surrounding him. Believe it or not I know that I was not the only one that saw it, you can always tell when the light of someone radiates on to everyone else, and you can always tell who the source of that light is.
So it got me thinking, or at least put this thought in my head, because long ago someone had said to me the same thing, their exact words were: "You walked in and you were shinning" now the day they saw me I was extremely ill and I really did not know what the heck they were referring to, let alone what the light they saw meant.  As I kept getting more and more curious and reading more and more I learned about auras and the light they give out and I learned about our higher selves, the different planes of existence that people have come to philosophize about, etc etc...
But today I realized that the light they talk about is nothing but our souls radiating through and our souls are nothing more than a little child and just like little children who aren't afraid of anything, who fall down cry for a bit after they get the biggest bruise but then they go and do the exact same thing that gave them that bruise, they forget quickly, they will get yelled at for doing something they are not supposed to be doing but even after getting emotionally hurt by the words of their parents they still come back to them and give them a hug and they forget quickly that we have yelled in anger.
That is exactly how our souls are, they forget and they want to go ahead and try again, they don't remember getting hurt, they don't remember the words that were said or the beatings we got, they just know that the only thing they want to do is go for it, they just want to be happy... It is our human part that remembers everything, it is the human part of us, that physical being with a brain that tries to make everything logical and that learns and remembers sorrow and pain that takes over as we are growing up, we are wired to remember how we got hurt and why, and then in order to protect ourselves we unconsciously decide that we have to go ahead and stop our souls from taking over and we stop ourselves from our soul wanting to do the things it wants. We stop ourselves from loving because we are afraid we will get hurt, it has happened before so why do it again? We stop ourselves from daydreaming because our human side says that the majority of times those dreams will never come true, and so we stop ourselves from doing the very things that feed our souls, our higher self, that self that does not have any boundaries, that knows no bounds and that is all good, the self that comes from a higher being who knows no evil, and when we do that, the light that our souls radiate slowly starts fading... And suddenly yourself is covered in this ridiculous cloud and you start feeling ordinary.
But make no mistake the soul is more powerful than the human in us, it will find a way to come out and shine through no matter what you do to try and kill it, it might be that it shines after an encounter with some stranger and having one of the greatest conversations of your life, at which point you start thinking that life is not so bad, that things could get better, that there are people out there that are good... Or you will get really ill because when we do not feed our souls, which I think are what fuel us to keep going and the soul starts dying out then our life force also diminishes, and so we are found in a hospital bed tied to machines and praying to get better, even if we have never prayed before.
So how is it that we can make sure our souls don't die out, how do we overcome the fears we have all learned through the years, that fear of rejection so you won't hug a friend when they are close only because they might just push you away, or the fear of getting hurt so you stop showing how much you really love another, what about the fear of people leaving you behind and just walking away, so instead you just don't meet anyone else, instead you just stay quiet when you really want to talk about what's going on... All we have to do is listen to it, instead of listening to the logic of our brains, we have to shut that down sometimes and just listen to the voice of our souls, that part of us that is never afraid to take a chance, the part of us that does not remember being hurt but only remembers how happy we were when we were truly loving someone else, that part that does not remember someone walking away but remembers only the times those who walked away where around, and really when our human side remembers those good moments, no one can say that they don't immediately smile.

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