Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby

I have been refraining from really offering my opinion on political issues lately simply because I am sort of tired of the debates back and forth and the none sense of it all. With that said, I've been bombarded with this Hobby Lobby ruling on all my social media feeds and I've read everyone's point of view and read all the "outrage" that the ruling has caused and just had so many thoughts about it that hey! I had to just put them all in writing....

Setting religion aside and with the thought of the Constitution of this wonderful country, here I go...
1. For all of those who are "outraged" because your women's rights are being violated because a company whose owners don't believe in certain forms of birth control is asking that they should not be forced to pay for it, let me stop you right there... First of all, just like every woman in this country has the right to do with her body what she wants, just like every woman in this country has the right to believe in whatever she wants, and just like every woman in this country has the right to choose what to purchase and pay for (except for now health insurance which every single woman in this country is forced to pay for maternity coverage even if it is impossible for them to get pregnant or they will have to pay a fine come tax season, and I will touch on this later) so does everyone else in this country has the same darn right. Therefore even if in a hypocritical way if the owners of Hobby Lobby want to not have to pay for certain forms of birth control then that is their right and they should not be forced to pay for it, regardless of what any of you really thinks. 

2. Let me remind all of you that the company you work for is under no obligation to offer any of you help with paying your health insurance, it is under no obligation to pay for your health insurance, it is the right of every company to choose what to offer as benefits to their employees just like it is your right as an employee to choose where you want to work, no on is telling you hey go and work here and this is where you have to work for the rest of your life and you are not ever going to have a choice in the matter. So please, if you don't like the benefits a company offers and that is something that is important to you then please quit bitching trying to force the company to offer something they don't want to offer and go find a company that offers something close to what you are asking (and I say something close to what you are asking because you are just not going to find what you think is a perfect company unless you create your own). And yes it is that simple, you don't like it, you have the right to change it, and the company has the same right as you do. 

3. On that note... Stop asking for your rights as an individual to be respected when you are not respecting the rights of other people. Yes, whether you like it or not, a company is not run by robots, it is run and owned by other people, citizens of this country who have the same rights to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of choice. To all of those saying that this company is run by hypocrites because they do business with people in China where after having one child if you get pregnant you have to have an abortion but the company owners are against abortion; you are all also being hypocrites because you are asking for rights to be respected but not wanting the rights of the owners of the company to be respected. The owners of the company again, have every right to do business with whoever they please to do business with, from a business perspective if it is more profitable to do business with someone in China vs someone in Canada then I will do business with the Chinese person regardless of what they believe in because let me tell you something: that is their given human right to believe in whatever they want to believe in and I have no say in it, it is business. 

4. I hope all of you having this "outrage" also realize that your Women's Rights were violated a long time ago when the Affordable Healthcare Act was passed by Congress and in it stated that you had to have certain kind of coverage under your health insurance plan otherwise you would face a penalty at the end of the year because you did not have the correct coverage. Your freedom of choice just went out the window, not just for us women but for everyone in this country, our government passed a law where it states that they know what is better for all of us and took away our right to choose what we want to pay for and what we don't.  People that rarely ever go to the doctor are forced to pay for plans that they will probably never use or else they have to pay a penalty. Women that are pass the child rearing age are forced to pay for maternity coverage they will not use (and let me tell you that is a big chunk of money on that insurance policy). Women who have had their tubes tied, have had a hysterectomy, or have been declared unable to ever have children also have to pay for this coverage or else they have to pay the penalty at the end of the year because whatever insurance they get was not enough according to our wonderful government. I have seen no outrage on any of this. Our rights as citizens of this country are being taken away by our government every single day and there are only a few of us that are painfully aware of it. Government was not created to tell people what they had to do with their lives, what they could and could not purchase and that is exactly what government is doing right now and it is all being hidden by little issues like this one where citizens of this country are fighting to gain back their rights and because of what our wonderful leaders are doing we, the citizens, end up being put against each other instead of uniting against those who are truly taking our rights from us.

5. Those so "outraged" are also the ones that preach for tolerance and how everyone else needs to change their views or respect other people's views. Well, how are you tolerating other people's views when you are posting to "boycott" a company because their views do not align with your own? This is the same thing that happened with Chick-fil-A, I am sorry I don't go to Chick-fil-A for their life views or beliefs, I go there because I like the chicken but I was probably put on the you are a bad person pile for going to buy the chicken I like to eat and believing that they have the right to believe in whatever the heck they want to believe in, they were not imposing that unto anyone, they were exercising their freedom of speech and freedom of choice just like you and I are doing right now, so before you start being "outraged" about something that is not really happening please step outside your little circle where the only ones that exist are you guys and where everyone that goes to fight for their rights is completely in the wrong unless they are fighting for the same thing you are fighting for, think! Just think for one minute about who the real enemies are here. Read and educate yourself about these issues, you still have a choice and no one is imposing that choice on you (except again the government and its mandated insurance) and if you preach tolerance for your views then have tolerance for the views of other people, tolerance means you don't attack others for how they believe, you accept that is how they believe and they in turn accept how you believe. Hobby Lobby is not trying to change your views or impose their views on you, all they are really trying to do is get back that piece of freedom our Constitution states we all have. 

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