Saturday, July 14, 2012


I recently read a book, The Zahir by Paulo Coelho, in this book one of the characters states: "I saw a comedian the other day.  He said that stupid people should have the word 'stupid' written on their identity card,"....."That way, we'd know who we were talking to.".

That statement above got me thinking about another issue that has been going on lately, DirecTV was forced to remove channels like Nickelodeon, MTV, VH1, TVLand, among others.  People are going nuts about this, a lot seem to be so attached to those channels that some have even posted videos on YouTube of their children crying because they cannot watch Sponge Bob, pictures of kids so irritated because Sponge Bob was not on anymore; all I could think about is: how stupid is this? I mean do they realize that there are other channels out there that they can watch other than those channels? Do they realize that there are other things to do than watch TV all day? I wonder if these people ever opened a book. This let me to another discussion, I was speaking about relationships, now I do have to say that I am happily separated and I consider myself single even though I am still legally married but since I have not seen my husband in ages and I have no intention in getting back together with him well... you get the picture. I have always thought that being with another person meant that you shared your life with them, it did not mean that you made one life with that person, that the person was a separate entity, a separate being and therefore that person was always going to be free to do whatever they wanted.  If they wanted to leave, they could; if they wanted to cheat, that was their choice (now it would be my choice if I wanted them in my life after they cheated); they would be responsible for their friends; I figured shoot I don't want a prisoner in my house, I want someone who wants to be with me not because he has to but because he wants to.

I was speaking to a dear friend today who said how she did not allow her partner to have any friends that were girls, so she was not allowed to have any guy friends either and I thought: how ridiculously stupid that is, but to her is not stupid, I guess she likes being controlled in some way or another as long as she can return the favor but who knows?

After all these encounters with that very peculiar and very commonly used word "stupid", I realized I have an entire list of what I think is stupid, according to the dictionary stupid is something that is senseless, that is dull. I reserve the right to update this list at any time,but here is some of what I came up with:

1. Stupid the woman who thinks that by controlling and checking on her husband every 5 minutes she is protecting herself from infidelity.
2. Stupid the man who thinks that by controlling and checking on his wife every 5 minutes he is protecting himself from infidelity.
3. Stupid the parent who thinks he/she is a great parent just because they provide and do what their responsibility as a parent is.
4. Stupid the people who think that by hating someone they are actually harming them in some way.
5. Stupid the people that want everyone to love them, and suffer when they realize not everyone does.
6. Stupid the people that believe their happiness depends on another human being.
7. Stupid the people who think that there is only one path to spirituality and that their path is the only way.
8. Stupid the people that do not realize that we live in a world that is changing every day, and things are not the way they were when they were growing up.
9. Stupid the parent who hits his children and believes that is the only way to teach them that they have done something wrong.
10. Stupid the parent who hits his children for no reason other than because they are unhappy with themselves.
11. Stupid the parent who thinks that putting down his children every day is a good way to build character.
12. Stupid the mother who witnesses the father hit her children and does absolutely nothing.
13. Stupid the man who hits his wife and then says sorry and tells her that he loves her.
14. Stupid the woman who hits her husband and thinks that she is showing him love.
15. Stupid the people who rely on material things to be happy.
16. Stupid the people who think money will make them happy.
17. Stupid the people who worry about the future and miss out on living the present.
18. Stupid the people who worry about the past and never get to live a new future.
19. Stupid those who cannot forgive.
20. Stupid the people who believe that they are entitled to something just because they are breathing.
21. Stupid the guy who thinks every woman is the same.
22. Stupid the woman who thinks every guy is the same.
23. Stupid those that don't want to take a chance to be happy just because they are comfortable where they are.
24. Stupid those who forget their dreams in order for others to realize theirs.
25. Stupid the people that believe true love means the suppression and renunciation of one's dreams.
26. Stupid the people that think marriage means creating a life together and forgetting the life each had.
27. Stupid the people who pretend to be happy in front of others but are miserable inside.
28. Stupid the people that let fear take the best of them.
29. Stupid those that because they are miserable want to make everyone else miserable too.
30. Stupid the people that pretend to like others and talk behind their backs.
31. Stupid the people that stay in unhealthy relationships because they believe is the right thing to do.
32. Stupid the stepmother who thinks she should come before her husband's children.
33. Stupid the stepfather who thinks he should come before his wife's children.
34. Stupid the people that speak without knowing what they are talking about.
35. Stupid the people that just follow because they are too lazy to actually learn about what is going on.
36. Stupid the people that don't believe that there are still persons that do nice things just because they like to do them.
37. Stupid the guy who thinks he is the best in the world because he has a lot of admirers.
38. Stupid the woman who thinks she is the best in the world because she has a lot of admirers.
39. Stupid those who pretend to be someone they are not just to please everyone.
40. Stupid those who pretend to be someone they are not just to grab attention.
41. Stupid those who believe that there is only one way to God.
42. Stupid those who don't believe that the reason God exists is because we believe in him.
43. Stupid those who forget who they are in order to become who they are not.
44. Stupid those that allow others to make them unhappy.
45. Stupid those who think that there is only one way to true happiness.
46. Stupid those who complain about life but never do anything to change it.
47. Stupid those who focus on what they don't have instead of what they do have.
48. Stupid those who never take the time to figure out what they want.
49. Stupid those who think that is too late to change.
50. Stupid those who think it is to late to learn.
51. Stupid those who think revenge is the only option.
52. Stupid those who stop living even before they are dead.
53. Stupid the drug dealer that sells drugs to others because he does not want to actually work.
54. Stupid those that buy drugs in an attempt to forget their problems rather than working towards fixing them.
55. Stupid the people that solve everything by drinking their life away.
56. Stupid those who destroy their families because they only think about themselves.
57. Stupid the guy who stays with his wife or girlfriend while wanting someone else.
58. Stupid the woman who stays with her husband or boyfriend while wanting someone else.

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