Saturday, November 16, 2013

Balance, can we really achieve it?

I was on my morning bus ride coming back from dropping off my daughter to school, I get the same bus driver 4 out of the 5 days that I drop her off, she is possibly one of the sweetest persons I have yet to meet.
Being that we sort of "know" each other now because it has been weeks that I take the same bus at the same time and she sees me every day... We talk on the ride back and I was telling her how I wanted to go back to school, I mean I have just 2 more years and I'm done with my bachelor's degree so why not? But then I said to her: it's just so hard to find a balance between work, my daughter and school that that's the only thing holding me back, to that she shook her head and said: forget balance! There is no such thing as balance, nothing in life is balanced, it's not natural! One side of your hair is longer than the other, one arm is just a little longer than the other, one leg is longer than the other, and if you look at yourself in the mirror long enough you will start that one eye is probably bigger than the other one.
I smiled and realized how true that was! So I started thinking: is there such thing as balance? Do we ever achieve it in life? Well, everything is such a constant battle, nothing ever stops being one, you have to work in order to survive and love comfortably and even those people that have a lot of money, well they don't have a balance because the more money they have the more things they acquire and the more things they acquire the more they have to work in order to make sure that those things are maintained. 
So is it a loss cause trying to find a balance in life? Mmmm I don't know, I suppose an argument could be made on both sides, one would be well you will never really find a balance so instead of fighting for something you will never achieve why not think about it like this: if there is something you don't like about your life then change it if you can and of you can't then just go with it, there will be a moment when something will click and the opportunity to change it will appear.
On the other hand the argument is made that if you don't find a balance then you will lose yourself, your soul will hurt and that's just not the life you were meant to live... Ehhh I guess in that sense we have to try and find some sort of balance but then again if there is no such thing then would our efforts just be complete waste of our time and bring on more stress than necessary to our lives?
Yup! That's exactly what it would be, looking for something that does not exist, something perfect to us, we will never achieve that perfection we want, that which is different for everyone, because the more we learn and we learn every day the more we want to change things around is, the more we learn the more we evolve and guess what? As we evolve we also want to change things around....
Balance in life cannot be found because of this so yeah instead of stressing over it and following the norm, just change that which you can and want to change and the rest... Just go with it, try it and see if it makes a difference in your life.

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